Value Proposition

User Savings, Good for Environment

We believe irri-CURB™ and irri-GROW™ is making more than just a positive impact on the environment. Our advanced technology not only makes irrigation easier and more cost-effective, but reduces many more cost for the user. ALL of the system analytics features contribute to the intelligence and capability of our system, learning when most efficent to initiate or override watering,  turn low voltage lifestyrl lighting on or off, provide additional security with built in PIR [passive infra red] and CCTV security activation sensors, extend WiFi to community common areas, communicate and direct unmanned robotic mowers,  provide electrical charge point extensions, and many more features, ALL can be Automated through the Intelligent User Platform, or prompt the user to do so, if the automation analytics determines a need. From start to finish irri-CURB™ and irri-GROW™ reduces the global footprint left by current age old irrigations and lifestyle systems. irri-CURB™ and irri-GROW™ is the forward thinking system of the future, for the future, a One-of-a-Kind.


Management, Above Ground

Not only will irri-CURB™ and irri-GROW™ systems sensors and automation work every angle to gain the best possible watering sequence, while saving optimum levels of water and energy, but very importantly the system design reduces costly manpower use throughout the property it is installed on or in, thus reducing the ongoing costs of regular irrigation systems significantly. irri-CURB™ and irri-GROW™ provides a unique modular system with a far more efficient way to install, run and manage your irrigation. The system is installed and managed above ground, not only reducing the installation process, making it quicker and less invasive, but arduous difficult maintenance is a thing of the past. No longer is it necessary for costly landscapers to spend days digging up a new yard, or worse, your hard work and well establishment yard, or leave an eyesore of what was once your pride and joy, only to bury piping and system components that will ultimately and inherently fail, needing to be dug up once agin, destroying all the hard work due to inaccessible and oftne undetectable failures. 


Lifestyle Components

The irri-CURB™system is more than just an irrigation system, it provides an unmatched customer lifestyle experience, with convenience features such as built-in automated mood, safety and convenience Lighting and Power Extenders,  Sound Distribution, Movement Activated Security, K9 and Robotic Mower sensing and much more. Users can set irri-CURB™’s features on automatic activation or manual override, enabling desired settings to be initiated as per analyzed beneficial protocols, or per user personal settings. The irri-CURB™ Intelligent User Platform allows customers to create the setting that they desire. Backyard BBQ’s to hotel entrances can now be enhanced by an irrigation system like no other. The beauty of Xmas is thge joy that we see all around, lighting brings life to our homes and comutiy around the world.

Now irri-CURB™ brings life to every day.